Feasibility and cost estimate letters

Feasibility and cost estimate letters (FCEs) CPCSSN can provide a Feasibility and Price estimate letter that researchers can append to their grant applications.  CPCSSN recommends that researchers submit a feasibility and price estimate request for budgeting purposes. This is an estimate of the CPCSSN price based on the researcher’s rough project parameters described in the feasibility and price estimate request form. CPCSSN staff may provide Researchers with a letter that indicates the feasibility of data access and/or linkage for their specified research topic, and an estimate of costs that may be used for budgeting.

  • Feasibility cost estimate letters are project and grant specific; they should not be re-used for multiple grant applications
  • Feasibility cost estimate letters do not include costs for data or other services that are not provided by CPCSSN
  • Feasibility cost estimate letters are not approval letters; CPCSSN has no ability to influence approvals
  • Feasibility cost estimates are broad in order to accommodate possible changes in the project through the grant application process
  • Researchers must include the amount on the FCE in their budget submitted to the granting agency
  • Projects that have not requested an FCE letter will be issued one upon initial work with CPCSSN on the DAR
  • CPCSSN has made a commitment that charges will not exceed the amount on the FCE letter, provided the project remains substantially similar

CPCSSN is usually able to provide a feasibility cost estimate letter within two weeks.

Researchers are required to show proof of financial support, in order to proceed with the DAR process. Researchers must still show proof of peer review in order to satisfy DAR requirements.

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