
The Manitoba Primary Care Research Network (MaPCReN) is a network of primary care providers who are interested in improving primary care through collaborative practice-based research. Through active recruitment, MaPCReN has expanded its provincial CPCSSN network to include family physician, nurse practitioners and community pediatricians from all regional health authorities in Manitoba.

MaPCReN is located within the Department of Family Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba. MaPCReN collaborates with university employees, academic clinicians, community clinicians, residents and students. MaPCReN works closely with the Manitoba Primary & Integrated Healthcare Innovation Network (MPN) and the Department of Family Medicine Office of Research and Quality Improvement to develop an integrated approach to primary care research and quality improvement.


Director | Dr. Alexander Singer, MB BAO BCh. CCFP

Dr. Alexander Singer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Manitoba where he also serves as the Director of Research and Quality Improvement. As the Network Director of the MaPCReN, he leads and collaborates on several practice-based research studies. His current research and policy interests include EMR data quality, optimization of EMR use and future interoperability of digital health records in Manitoba. Dr. Singer has led several studies focused on the use of electronic medical record data to conduct large population-based health studies aimed at improving the care delivered to patients in primary care clinics. He is also a family physician clinician-teacher in Winnipeg, Manitoba.


University of Manitoba | Department of Family Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Science, Room P219

770 Bannatyne Ave. Winnipeg, MB, R3E 0W2

Primary Contact

Office Assistant | Madhav Kapur



Learn More

Website | www.mapcren.ca
