About Us
The Réseau de recherche en soins primaires de l’Université de Montréal (RRSPUM) ) is the University of Montreal Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine Department’s PBRN. It is the only CPCSSN regional network in the province of Québec. It brings together primary care (PC) researchers from the department and family physicians as well as other healthcare professionals from 18 family medicine academic teaching units from both urban and rural environments. Its mission is to:
- Develop the research capacity, visibility and knowledge-dissemination of family medicine and primary care;
- Contribute to the scientific knowledge base pertaining to the practice of family medicine and primary care

RRSPUM Director | Dr. Marie-Thérèse Lussier MD, BSc, MSc, FCFPC
Dr. Lussier is a full professor in the Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine department at Université de Montréal. Until recently, she practiced family medicine at the academic Family Heath Team in Laval (Québec). She is the director of the RRSPUM, the Family Medicine Department’s Practice Based Research Network since 2012. Her main research interests are chronic disease management in primary care with a focus on healthcare provider-patient communication and the use of information technology. She has co-authored a number of scientific articles on this subject. She is co-editor of the only French language textbook on health communication “La communication professionnelle en santé” (2005 and 2016) used in many health sciences faculties of French speaking countries around the world.
Hôpital de la Cité-de-la-Santé | Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Laval, DS.079
Learn More
Website | rrspum.umontreal.ca