CPCSSN Data Quality: An Opportunity for Enhancing Canadian Primary Care Data 

Morkem R, Salman A, Herman C, Shah R, Barber D. CPCSSN Data and Information Quality: An Opportunity for Enhancing Canadian Primary Care Data. Kingston, ON. Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network; April 2023. 

The Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN) is Canada’s first electronic medical record (EMR) surveillance system and aims to improve primary healthcare delivery outcomes across the country, while also facilitating innovation and excellence in primary healthcare research. The purpose of this report is to assess the quality of the CPCSSN’s database and to provide key learnings and recommendations to inform users so that they may assess its fitness for use. This data quality assessment found that, if used carefully, the database has sufficient and high enough data quality to be a valuable resource for epidemiological and population-based research.

Read the full report here.