Report: Potentially Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescribing in Canadian Primary Care
In April 2022 CPCSSN released a report on potentially inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infections in Canadian primary care.
The report represents a collaboration between CPCSSN and Choosing Wisely Canada (CWC). CWC is the national voice for reducing unnecessary tests and treatments in Canada. The CWC campaigns for healthcare providers and their organizations to adopt test and treatment guidelines that are supported by scientific evidence. The report is prepared to support CPCSSN’s mission for continued research in primary care with valuable insight and direction provided by CWC. This report aims to contribute to antimicrobial stewardship in Canada by showing baseline prescription patterns of antibiotics before and during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. Data are analyzed from the years 2019 and 2020 for patients who had a visit to primary care for either a respiratory or urinary tract infection.